Our site's registration forms require customers and prospective customers (together called "customers") to give us contact information (i.e. name, email address, phone number, etc.). Periodically, we use the information you have provided on the registration form to send you updates about our products and promotional material provided to us by our partners. WE DO NOT SELL, TRADE, EXCHANGE OR OTHERWISE MAKE AVAILABLE ANY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION TO ANY OTHER COMPANY OR ORGANIZATION WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM CUSTOMERS.
The customer information is also used to contact the customer periodically about the products and services, as well as general information about ligimports.com. In these mailings, we may include offers from our partners, information about product upgrades and enhancements, as well as marketing promotions from ligimports.com. Site-Tracking Software ligimports.com uses a basic software package to track user traffic on the ligimports.com website.
This information is not matched up with any form of personal or private information. This information includes but is not limited to unique visits per day, site paths, most popular pages, browser height and width, and referring website. This information is used to improve the ligimports.com website so that information is presented in the most useful format possible, and for business information.